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  • Writer's pictureJennifer White

How To Set Up Your Storytelling For Design:

Here are 2 frameworks that work well to present design:

1. Problem, Agitate, Solution

  1. Define the problem that needs solves.

  2. Agitate by elaborating on the consequences and frustrations associated with the problem. This stirs up emotions and creates a strong connection with your audience.

  3. Solve: Finally, present your product or solution as the hero that can alleviate their pain.

PAS is a proven copywriting framework, and it works well for design presentations.

Present your solution.

2. Options & Analysis

This my favorite, because it feels the most thorough, even though it might be a little more work. I like to get "buy in" from stakeholders, to make them feel they came along the explorative journey with us, and came to the same conclusion.

  1. Provide the necessary context

  2. Show 2 or 3 different ways of solving a problem

  3. Present a summary of your analysis

  4. Recommend which one the team should go with

If you use this framework, it should be in one of two ways:

1. Structure for delivering analysis and recommendations

2. Facilitate discussion when you don't have enough information

Not just showing stakeholders options and saying “ok, tell me which one you want”.

Now good luck with making your presentations more persuasive!

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